Posts Tagged with Language

Second Time Around

With two young children aged four and almost six, much of my time with them is a blend of play, peacekeeping, persuasion and answering a great number of questions about why the sky is blue, water is wet and toys … Continue reading

Close, but no cigar

It has often been said that the United States and United Kingdom are two countries separated by a common language, and on some occasions I find this to be quite true. Mostly educated in London, … Continue reading

Dr Peter Mark Roget

When I was about twelve, a classmate introduced me to the joys of Roget’s Thesaurus. After only a short time, it became apparent that the wearisome task of writing essays would become much more exciting … Continue reading

See you next Tuesday

(This post contains profanity) Patrick, a friend and work colleague of mine, tells this story from the time when he lived and worked in Zambia, organising safari and white water rafting trips for groups of … Continue reading