I have a distinct memory from my childhood of hearing about the advert I have recreated for this post; somewhere in America – presumably on the approaches to Las Vegas – once stood a billboard … Continue reading
Posts Tagged with The Corporate World
News, Blues and Twos
Information is power and those that control or influence it have always wanted to guard their position, meaning they have always been concerned with, rather than committed to, the highest of professional ethics. During the sixties and seventies episodes … Continue reading
Ad Populum
Noel Coward once declared that “Television is not for watching; it is for being on.” The social activist Mary Whitehouse didn’t like much of what was on it in the 1960’s, and famously held the Director-General of … Continue reading
Job Description
I have always found the question; “So what do you do?” very hard to answer accurately and briefly. Putting to one side the obvious jokes about me not knowing, the first problem is that there is no such thing as a typical … Continue reading
Spinning Out
Having worked at several hundred senior leadership, middle management and shop-floor conferences over the last twenty years or more, I feel that I have experienced enough in order to assert that the good intentions of people … Continue reading