
Defined as the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks, banter plays an important part in relationships. Irony, humour and sarcasm are just some of the ways a conversation can be enlivened. In fact, without it life … Continue reading

An Impostor Calls

Everyone that I work with will typically want to focus on a particular area of development in their personal or interpersonal communication style; fluency, forensic listening or making a lasting impact for example. Despite the … Continue reading

Movement Psychology in Voice

“Based on the work of the late Yat Malmgren, one of the great solo artists of European modern dance and the creator of the Laban-Malmgren System of Character Analysis. His unique contribution developed the theoretical … Continue reading

Close, but no cigar

It has often been said that the United States and United Kingdom are two countries separated by a common language, and on some occasions I find this to be quite true. Mostly educated in London, … Continue reading

Dr Peter Mark Roget

When I was about twelve, a classmate introduced me to the joys of Roget’s Thesaurus. After only a short time, it became apparent that the wearisome task of writing essays would become much more exciting … Continue reading